Konstantin Kikinov

Front-End Engineer

About me

Skill Set

  • Languages:
    • JavaScript
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • SCSS
  • Frameworks:
    • jQuery
    • Bootstrap 3/4
    • Foundation email
  • Template Engine:
    • Pug
  • Automation:
    • npm
    • Gulp
    • Webpack
    • PostCss
  • IDE:
    • Visual Studio Code

Work Experience

  • Memory Pair Game

    qualifying task of 'Kottans-frontend' course

    used technologys: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

  • help-point.net

    development of the "front-end" part

    used technologys: HTML, SCSS, Bootstrap 3, JavaScript, jQuery, PNG-sprite, Gulp

  • bambinifamilyclub.com

    development, promotion

    used technologys: HTML, CSS, jQuery, SVG, Gulp

Code examples

My account in codewars.com

sample code
  function inArray(array1,array2){
    let result = [];
    for ( j = 0; j < array1.length; j++){
      if (array1[j]){
        const reqElem1 = new RegExp(array1[j]);
        for (i = 0; i < array2.length; i++){
          if (reqElem1.test(array2[i])){
    return result.sort()


East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University - Specialist, System engineer


  • English - pre-intermediate
  • Ukranian - native
  • Russian - native